Jay Richards: Socialism Is a Perennial Temptation
How should Christians think about economics and free enterprise? Should Christians be socialists? The answer to this question […]
Jay Richards: Socialism Is a Perennial Temptation
How should Christians think about economics and free enterprise? Should Christians be socialists? The answer to this question […]
Jay Richards: Why Christians Should Support Economic Freedom
Why should Christians support economic freedom? Jay Richards of the Catholic University of America addressed this question at […]
Jay Richards: In Economics, Good Intentions Aren’t Good Enough
What is the art of economics, and why aren’t good intentions good enough? Jay Richards addressed this question at […]
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2017-01-26 06:30:19
Income Inequality Is Not Our Biggest Problem | Intersect
[…] Jay Wesley Richards debunks the zero-sum myth by noting it relies upon the notion that all wealth is bound to matter. Thus, he argues in Money, Greed, and God, according to the zero-sum myth, when someone has wealth, she is directly depriving others of that wealth. For activists like Lee Hull Moses who are grieved by economic inequality, this is the source of great guilt. However, Richards explains it just isnât true. […]