
Pursuing the Good Life in a Secular World: James K. A. Smith Speaks at Southeastern

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What vision of “the good life” are Christians pursuing? James K. A. Smith addressed this question at The Wisdom Forum: The Good Life, an event at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary (SEBTS) on March 16, 2018.

Smith, professor of philosophy at Calvin College, noted that everyone pursues some vision of the good life, or an idealized version of life.

“It’s not a question of whether you’re chasing the good life, but which,” he said.

Visions of the good life are more caught than taught, he continued, and they are caught from immersion in “cultural liturgies,” or “love-shaping practices.”

Too often, though, Christians think they must compete with their neighbors’ visions of the good life, which are filled with glitz and glamour. As a result, they end up with nothing more than a “Jesus-ified version of secular liturgies.” Instead, Smith urged attendees to follow the example of Jesus.

“Don’t underestimate how brightly the humble shine. Instead, remember that the one who humbled himself is now looked to by the entire world,” he said.

Read the full press release at

Watch the Wisdom Forum videos.

  • philosophy
Lauren Pratt

Lauren Pratt currently works for a Public Relations firm in Boston while finishing up her Master of Arts in Intercultural Studies at The College at Southeastern. She writing as a way to both encourage and equip followers of Christ.

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