While the Intersect Project primarily aims to bring the conversation about faith, culture, work and economics to the pulpit and the pew, it also has initiatives directed toward moving the conversation forward in the academy. Recently, a unique event at Southeastern Seminary in Wake Forest, NC provided a forum for Ph.D. students from around the U.S. to present and discuss research proposals on the intersection of faith, work and economics.
At the Intersect Project Ph.D. Student Challenge Symposium, ten students presented papers on topics that interacted with the four major themes of the Oikonomia Network Economic Wisdom project, and they competed for three cash prizes.
Murray Vasser, Ph.D. candidate at Asbury Theological Seminary, won first place with his paper: “Sell Your Possessions: Luke 12:33 and the Greco-Roman Utopian Ideal.” Murray’s paper will be published in the Summer 2017 issue of the Southeastern Theological Review.
Below, you can find the other contestants’ research for you to read and learn from.
What Thomas Aquinas Can Teach Us About Taxation
David Allen Calhoun (University of Aberdeen) excavates wisdom about taxation from the writings of Thomas Aquinas. He writes,
Here, I argue that Thomas Aquinas can help us re-envision tax by speaking to three facets of what I call the contemporary tax predicament. He does so by operating with a “baseline,” against which tax justice can be measured, that is derived from the interplay of natural and positive law. Read More>>
The “Bad” Samaritan? A View of the Economics of Radical Generosity from Luke 10:25–37
The Good Samaritan is radically generous. Does his generosity give us a “bad” economic example? Gregory E. Lamb (Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary) writes,
Luke 10:25–37 presents a timeless, positive, and universal example of the open-handed, radical generosity contemporary Christians — reflecting upon God’s gifts to us in Christ –are to display in practicing economics, and that such an engaged, hands-on generosity has tangible economic, physical, and missiological benefits. Read More>>
Jeremiah’s Letter to the Exiles: God’s Blessing Upon Responsible Action
Jeremiah 29:11-14 is a popular passage. Ron Lindo Jr. (New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary) helps us think more deeply about this passage. He writes,
Two questions, then, stem from meditating on Jer 29:11–14 and the American church’s desire to obtain it: (1) How can one receive the blessing presented in these words, and (2) what does a life devoted to these words look like? Read More>>
Is God’s Goodness Alone Sufficient for Economic Development?
When combatting poverty, how can we find the right balance between outside aid and individual effort? Luis Munoz Bueno (New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary) tackles this question. He writes,
After the social gospel movement, a current Evangelical community model is now seeking to empower those in poverty. Perhaps the empowering should not come from external sources, but from within the person. Read More>>
The Open Society and Biblical Teleological Historicism: The Practice of the Doctrine of the Two Kingdoms in the Contemporary West
Why is an open society so important? Armen Oganessian (University of Aberdeen) writes,
The Christian cannot promote a closed society by associating with social and economic movements that subscribe to a teleological historicism and the installation of a Utopia. Any social, political and economic advocacy by a Christian must have in view the open society, leaving the teaching of a teleological historicism to the church. Read More>>
The Places of Community: Economic Valuing and Virtuous Flourishing
Eric Schnitger (Fuller Theological Seminary) evaluates recent developments in Mennonite life, specifically as they relate to economics and flourishing. He writes,
Over the last century, Mennonite participation in the economic life of the United States has changed drastically. These changes have occurred not in isolation but coupled with at least two other cultural and theological changes. Read More>>
What Has Economic Trinity to do with Economics?
David Muthukumar (Fuller Theological Seminary) develops a connection between the Economic Trinity and economics. He writes,
While we have no control over what Heidegger called the “thrownness” (Geworfenheit) into this world, there are things that require our attention and action that will establish our existence as God intended spiritual/moral agents in this world. Economy is one area where we are supposed to exercise control over but unfortunately we have succumbed to the dictates of the market forces instead. Read More>>
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