Recently James K. A. Smith discussed the “good life” and the implication for Christian living at the Wisdom Forum. Halfway through this dialogue he made a striking comment,
People come to church and have no clue why. They sing a few songs, listen to a sermon, and go back to their lives without any change. The problem is that they have no understanding as to why they are doing what they are doing.
I am still chewing on these words, and I am overwhelmed for resolution.
If the common church attender comes to “worship” on Sunday but does not know why, then we have a problem. Why, then, should you go to church? To be more theologically accurate, why should you gather with the church — since the church is not the building down the street, but the group of believers?
How will we change this misconception of our time together? We have a purpose, not just as a body, but as individuals too. Do they know that? Now that I have a Master’s of Divinity in Christian Studies, you might assume that I have all the answers. However, I need to be reminded of why we gather as much as anyone.
The diversity of the local church should mirror heaven to a dying, lost and sinful world.
So Why Do We Gather as the Church?
We “church” to glorify God. We gather around God. Romans 12:1 commands us to present our bodies as living sacrifices to God. This lifestyle propels communal witnessing (1 Peter 2:9), repenting (Acts 2:38), worshipping (Psalm 150; Ephesians 5:19) and teaching (Colossians 3:16). We gather because we are one body, drawn together by God to be a people of God who live for God. We testify to God’s greatness. We disciple others through life together. We serve, teach and encourage, not just one another, but the world at large.
We do not ultimately come together for Sunday worship service to experience an emotional response that brings joy to us as consumers, though many Westerners gather for this very reason. Rather, we gather because God has united us. We gather because we live life together in being effective witnesses to our local communities. We gather because the diversity of the local church should mirror heaven to a dying, lost and sinful world. Christians are made to gather.
So again, I restate the issue at hand. Do believers and weekly church attenders really know this? Even if you think your church members know this, you may want to re-educate them because there might be blind-spots in your pews. Thankfully, everyone in the church has a purpose.
Purpose-Driven Lifestyle for the Church?
Inevitably, some people will say that they don’t need church because they can listen to a podcast or watch it online. Others see church as a good thing, but they don’t make time for it. In either situation, people don’t see how gathering as a church matters for them as individuals. Unfortunately, many are not aware that the people are the church.
Focusing on this issue, Ephesians 4:16 offers wisdom. Everyone is “knit together, supporting one another, in order to grow the body in building up in love” by properly fulfilling their roles. If every individual person has a purpose, which then comes to fruition by obedience, then the body grows. People come together as a church, community outreach begins, discipleship succeeds, life lived together compels the advancement of the gospel. The people of God grow as individuals because of active engagement in the community of believers.
Christ, being the head of the church, gives Christians a solid foundation and leader to follow and imitate daily. In John 17, Christ prayed for future believers to be united as he was united with the Father. We gather so that we can be like Christ. We gather because we get to enjoy this relationship with God.
We gather because God has united us.
Divide between the Pew and the Pulpit?
Everyone has a purpose in the local church, both corporately and individually. Therefore, there should be no divide between the Pew and the Pulpit. In fact, the strengths and weaknesses of the members of the local church are intentional, even complementary. Everyone has something that the other does not have, and we are stronger together than we are apart. This is a beautiful truth.
We need to look at every person in our congregations as a vital member of the family. I am lacking where you may be strong. Your strengths challenge me to grow and address my weaknesses, and vice versa. Our vocations and personalities help showcase the beauty of the diversity of the Bride of Christ. Praise God that everyone is different, but may we not forget the need for those differences. God has set Christ as the head of the church as the body of believers gather as a community of God’s chosen people. This calls for all walks of life, regardless of background or educational training. Therefore, there need not be a divide in the body, but a celebration that all have been gathered into one flock for God’s glory.
So when we gather, celebrate God. Because we gather for him, not ourselves. God uses our differences to propel the gospel around the world through our diversity. Next time we meet, let us worship together and be joyful for the active work of the Lord. It is not about us. It is about him.
We gather because of God.
Comments and Pingbacks
2018-05-03 10:03:29
Thanks, Nicholas! Some great thoughts here. I might add one more. We gather as the church to celebrate the Lord's Supper. This is why Paul's words to the Corinthians were such a stinging rebuke: "So then, when you come together, it is not the Lord's Supper you eat..." (1 Cor 11.20). The Lord's Supper should have been their reason for gathering, but it wasn't. They had forsaken the main purpose of their corporate worship! Also, throughout church history, exclusion from the Eucharist is what made church discipline such a big deal. If one is excommunicated, then they forfeit their weekly "participation in the body and blood of Christ" (1 Cor 10.16). Along with the written Word preached, the incarnate Word eaten is the primary reason we go to church. I also love your emphasis on the churchâs unity and its importance for evangelization. This truth about unity fits hand-in-glove with Paulâs teaching about the Supper: âBecause there is one loaf, we, who are many, are one body, for we all share the one loafâ (1 Cor 10.17). Something mysterious about sharing the Lordâs Supper brings us spiritually closer together as Christians; it makes us "one" in Christ. I think these biblical truths from the great tradition are ones that evangelicals should work to retrieve...for the life of the world.
2018-11-21 23:10:41
We gather together to praise our King Jesus We gather to be aligned together to our King's message We gather to encourage one another in our commitment to our King We gather together to be sent out as our King's ambassadors on his mission
2020-03-11 14:15:34
Peregrino V. Taccad, Jr.
I can't agree more on this. This has not been emphasized by most Church groups. They are conditioned to do rituals like singing lengthy emotional songs, listening to and appreciating emotion-stirring homilies and attending Bible schools. But one thing they miss to do, the Breaking of Bread, which I think is the very reason why we should keep on meeting together as Church. Sometimes, even the sermons do not contain the very gist of the message - the Gospel.
2021-02-22 08:09:25
Patrick Spencer
There is a way that seems right unto man but the end thereof leads to destruction. I was 17 when I joined the Army in 1964. God fearing and wanted to serve my country. Fresh off the farm in Louisiana, I was sent to Erlangen, Germany at Ferris Barracks. Every Sunday I was at the Post Chapel. Until one Friday night I stopped by the Chapel and was met by the Catholic Chaplains assistant. Where I was sexually assaulted. I have never attended that chapel again. I didn't report it because of fear of reprisal. I truly believe in God. But I also learned that Satan is the Prince of the power of the Air. There will be a day when all humans will have to report to the Almighty. And most will hear "Depart from Me you workers of eniquity, for i never knew you." I learned later that both chaplains assistants were gay. So. Look in the mirror and ask yourself. What will God say when you're judged?
2018-12-18 06:01:32
The 10 Most Read Intersect Articles of 2018 | Intersect
[…] 3. Why Do We Go to Church? […]
2019-02-14 23:11:32
Millie Hue
I like that you pointed out that going to church is something that God did to gather us all and live life together in one faith. I guess that is the driving force that has been pushing me to finally attend a church. This is because there is something in me that tells me that I need the help of a higher being to get past the grieving phase of losing my partner.
2019-03-05 12:40:39
Jack Kober
There may be many reasons for not attending weekly church services. Most are excuses that are perpetuated by ignorance. The only way to grow in faith is through word and sacrament. It is hard to believe that an individual's faith can grow without weekly nourishment of The Word.
2019-09-03 11:34:09
Angela Waterford
I never knew that I have to go to church because God has united us for a reason. In order to know more about this, I think I'll go to a worship service and ask a pastor about the meaning of worshiping God. This way, I'll appreciate why religion exists and why I have to come to church at all.
2019-09-12 20:23:27
James Howard
We go because God asked us to in hebrews 10:25
2019-10-12 19:42:47
2019-10-20 22:58:35
Intersect at 1000: The 10 Most Read Articles (So Far) | Intersect
[…] 5. Why Do We Go to Church? […]
2019-11-07 10:58:45
Angela Waterford
It's true that everyone has a purpose in a church, and that's why I need to find that reason so I can be more motivated to attend one. I've been used to putting off going to church for a long time because I've been busy with being a waiter, but I know that this is not good for my spiritual health. For this reason, I think I'll come back to church and start attending so that I can finally be at peace with myself.
2020-03-11 14:23:11
Peregrino V. Taccad, Jr.
i hope you already started going to church then. But it will be much better if you go deeper into the Word of God through daily Bible reading and prayers. God always wants to listen to our voice.
2020-11-17 06:00:40
Intersect: Celebrating 5 Years of Reconnecting Faith and Culture | Intersect
[…] Why Do We Go to Church? by Nicholas Dawson […]