Summer Reading List

Required Reading: Keith Harper’s Summer Reading Recommendations

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As summer begins, we want to help you craft the perfect Summer Reading List. We asked Southeastern Seminary professors what books they would recommend, and we’ll share their recommendations in coming weeks.

Today, Dr. Keith Harper recommends two books for your summer reading list.

This book should be required reading for everybody at Southeastern Seminary.

Christ Formed in You: The Power of the Gospel for Personal Change
by Brian Hedges (Shepherd Press, 2010)

Christ Formed in You is an excellent treatment of sanctification. This book should be required reading for everybody at Southeastern Seminary.

Forging a Christian Order: South Carolina Baptists, Race, and Slavery, 1696–1860
by Kim Kellison (Univ Tennessee Press, 2023)

This is Kim’s first book. It explores the interconnectedness of religion (Baptists) and politics in antebellum South Carolina.

The Analogical Imagination: Christian Theology and the Culture of Pluralism
by David Tracy (Herder & Herder, 1998)

The subtitle says a lot: Christian Theology and the Culture of Pluralism. It is a challenging read but well-worth it for anyone interested in framing Christian worldview.

The Long Southern Strategy: How Chasing White Voters in the South Changed American Politics
by Angie Maxwell and Todd Shields (Oxford University Press, 2019)

If religion and politics is your forte, put this book at the top of your list. It may well change your views on culture warfare

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  • Summer Reading List
Keith Harper

Dr. Keith Harper currently serves as Senior Professor of Baptist Studies at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, where he has taught since 1996. He also currently serves as the series editor for America’s Baptists (University of Tennessee Press). His research interests include Southern history, U.S. religious history, especially religious history in the South, U.S. social history, and Baptist history. He has written and edited numerous books, including SBC FAQ’s, Rescue the Perishing: Selected Letters from Annie Armstrong and Other Writings, Send the Light: Lottie Moon’s Letters and Other Writings, American Denominational History: Perspectives on the Past, Prospects for the Future, Through a Glass Darkly: Changing Perceptions of Baptist Identity, Between Fetters and Freedom: African American Baptists Since Emancipation, and A Mere Kentucky of a Place: The Elkhorn Association and Kentucky’s First Baptists. He and his wife live in Wake Forest and are members of Faith Baptist Church.

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