Summer Reading List

Which Hills to Die On? Julia Higgins’ Summer Reading Recommendations

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As summer begins, we want to help you craft the perfect Summer Reading List. We asked Southeastern Seminary professors what books they would recommend, and we’ll share their recommendations in coming weeks.

Today, Dr. Julia Higgins recommends two books for your summer reading list.

You’ll find encouragement in this Jesus-centered book.

Finding the Right Hills to Die On: The Case for Theological Triage
by Gavin Ortlund (Crossway, 2020)

This book introduces the concept of theological triage that was first articulated by Albert Mohler. Since we live a world of hot-takes and arguments over every little detail, Ortlund unpacks four categories of doctrine and ranks them according to importance in hopes of bringing clarity and unity for the church.


How the Church Fathers Read the Bible: A Short Introduction
by Gerald Bray (Lexham Press, 2022)

How the Church Fathers Read the Bible is a helpful, short primer for those who want to begin reading the church fathers but don’t know where to begin. The fifth chapter, “Case Studies,” provides ten examples (five Old Testament and five New Testament texts) to illustrate how the fathers interpreted each.


Jesus and Gender: Living as Brothers and Sisters in Christ
by Elyse Fitzpatrick and Eric Schumacher (Kirkdale, 2022)

Gender is on the forefront of our culture, and as Christians, the starting place in these discussions should be the person of Christ. You’ll find encouragement in this Jesus-centered book as you consider what it means to serve the church as brothers and sisters.

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  • Summer Reading List
Julia Bickley Higgins

Julia B. Higgins serves as Assistant Professor of Ministry to Women and Associate Dean of Graduate Program Administration at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. She teaches in the Ministry to Women degree programs at Southeastern, with her ministry focus being college-aged and adult women. Her passion is equipping women to teach the Bible and to serve the local church. She co-edited 'The Whole Woman: Ministering to Her Heart, Soul, Mind and Strength' (B&H, 2021), has contributed to 'Lifeway Women: The Reference Desk,' and serves as a doctrinal reader for 'Missions Mosaic,' a publication of the WMU.

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