
Missions, Ministry, and the Lord’s Prayer | Greg Mathias’ Summer Reading Recommendation

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This summer, we want to help you craft the perfect Summer Reading List. We asked Southeastern Seminary professors what books they would recommend. As summer winds to a close, we continue to share their recommendations.

Today, Greg Mathias shares his summer reading recommendation.

Practicing Hope: Missions in Global Crises
By Jerry Ireland and Michelle Raven (William Carey Publishing, 2020)

Mathias: I honestly cannot think of a timelier and more needed book. Yes, it is an edited volume, which, for some, automatically means ‘not interested.’ Considering the state of our world, you will want to hear from different voices on how the Church has and still needs to respond in the midst of global crises.

Mathias: In this book, Georges highlights the complexities of patronage that anyone who has lived cross-culturally can attest to. The elements of superiority, power, and resources are all tied up in patronage. Georges argues that the theme of patronage is not just a missiological issue but finds its roots deep in the Bible.

Sent Forth: African Missionary Work in the West
By Harvey C. Kwiyani (ORBIS, 2014)

Mathias: Missions is a worldwide enterprise. In this book, Kwiyani gives us insight on missionary work from a global south perspective while exhorting his readers in the West. I am always challenged by listening to those outside my cultural perspective, and you will be just as challenged as you read this book.

The Lord’s Prayer: A Guide to Praying to Our Father
By Wesley Hill (Lexham Press, 2019)

Mathias: The Lord’s Prayer is a bedrock of my devotional life. I have spent years studying, praying, and engaging others with the Lord’s Prayer. Wesley’s little book is informative, devotional, and helpful in fleshing out the Lord’s Prayer in the Christian’s daily life. I am already on my second slow read through of this book.

Spiritual Secret of Hudson Taylor
By Howard Taylor (Whitaker House, 2011)

Mathias: I believe you should always have a missionary biography that you are reading through. Spiritual Secret is a classic that I often recommend to those considering missionary work. In this book you will be introduced to the life of Hudson Taylor and pushed to life a life of trust in God first before leaning on your own resources.

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  • Summer Reading List
Greg Mathias

Greg Mathias serves as the Associate Director of the Center for Great Commission Studies. His area of focus is international missions, and Greg works closely with our students who desire to serve in this context.

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