What sort of formation is required to flourish as human creatures? We need to approach popular contemporary “flourishing” talk with caution. Clashing wills and warped desires prevent us from being at peace either with ourselves or with one another. We flourish together or not at all, and formation is always de-formation and re-formation, ordered finally to an unfamiliar joy. Dr. Jennifer Herdt (Yale Divinity School) delivers this lecture titled, “In the Furnace of Charity: Formed for Love.”
This talk was delivered on Thursday, February 2 at Exploring Personhood: Human Formation. The conference began with the authority of the Scriptures and Christian theology. We then invited perspectives from the sciences (counseling and psychology), humanities (ethics, biblical studies, philosophy, and theology), and pastoral ministry. Our aim was to foster an interdisciplinary dialogue on the Imago Dei and embodiment — all for the glory of God and the good of the world.
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