Summer Reading List

The Soil and your Soul: Chuck Lawless’ Summer Reading Recommendations

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As summer begins, we want to help you craft the perfect Summer Reading List. We asked Southeastern Seminary professors what books they would recommend, and we’ll share their recommendations in coming weeks.

Today, Dr. Chuck Lawless recommends two books for your summer reading list.

I found the book to be fascinating scientifically and enriching spiritually. 

Good Ground: Volume 1
by Beth Madison (Northeastern Baptist Press, 2022)

Written by a long-term soil scientist who teaches at Union University in Jackson, TN, Good Ground: Volume 1 informs the reader about soil science, but it more significantly uses illustrations from that created world to help us understand God and His work. I found the book to be fascinating scientifically and enriching spiritually.


Theology of Mission: A Concise Biblical Theology
by J. D. Payne (Lexham Press, 2022)

To be honest, it’s the first adjective in the subtitle that drew me to this book: concise. Others have written strong biblical theologies of mission, but this work shows God’s heart from Genesis to Revelation in a succinct and readable fashion (149 pp) while still evidencing scholarly research. Theology of Mission is worth adding to your collection.

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  • Summer Reading List
Chuck Lawless

Dr. Lawless serves as Senior Professor of Evangelism and Missions, Dean of Doctoral Studies, Vice President for Spiritual Formation and Ministry Centers, and Richard & Gina Headrick Chair of World Missions at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary.

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