Right now, immigration is in the news. Congress is debating various proposals involved with border security. Public officials on both sides agree that the status quo is untenable with border crossings recently reaching their highest on record. And in recent years the messengers of the Southern Baptist Convention have passed resolutions on the topic, including one at the most recent convention urging public officials to take action.
Immigration and border security are complicated issues, and faithful Christians will likely disagree on exactly what the best specific policies will be. Yet we can find in Scripture a basic framework to think about the issue well and guide our engagement as citizens.
1. America has the right and duty to secure her borders and protect her citizens.
In Romans 13:4, Paul explains that God delegates power to civil authorities, which are “God’s servant for your good.” The government’s first job is to protect its citizens. This responsibility involves carefully screening who is coming into the country and setting appropriate limits for how many can enter. Without national borders, a nation can’t be secure from those who, in a fallen world, intend to do harm. In Acts 17:26, Paul says that it is God who puts people in their nations and boundaries, implying the legitimacy of borders. Moreover, ancient Israel had borders and respected the borders of their neighbors. Christians shouldn’t see border security as mean-spirited, misguided, or unnecessary, but as a vital function of God-ordained civil government.
2. America should uphold the rule of law.
Writing in the first century to the church, Peter instructs Christians to uphold the rule of law. Echoing Paul’s words in Romans 13, Peter writes:
Submit to every human authority because of the Lord, whether to the emperor as the supreme authority or to governors as those sent out by him to punish those who do what is evil and to praise those who do what is good. For it is God’s will that you silence the ignorance of foolish people by doing good. Submit as free people, not using your freedom as a cover-up for evil, but as God’s slaves. Honor everyone. Love the brothers and sisters. Fear God. Honor the emperor. (1 Peter 2:13-17)
Governments have the right and duty to uphold the rule of law. Romans 13 reminds us that if we break the civil law, we should be afraid, because God has delegated authority to punish evil. Of course, laws should be just laws, and citizens in a democracy like ours have the duty to advocate for just laws and for the elimination of unjust laws. But we shouldn’t champion law-breaking (Titus 3:1).
3. America should create more efficient pathways for people to emigrate legally with limits based on a variety of factors.
Faithful Christians might disagree on the appropriate limits of legal immigration or what criteria might qualify people who emigrate. At the very least, we could agree that those who want to be here and have a deep love for the country make the best citizens. The government should also balance economic needs, the ability for people groups to assimilate into the country, and demand on resources.
We should want to reform cumbersome, confusing, and inefficient mechanisms for government. While efficient government helps citizens flourish by providing order inefficient government leads to disorder. One of the ways we fulfill the creation mandate is by helping communities, cities, and countries move from disorder to order.
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