
Leading with Christ’s Love: How Christians Can Flip the Abortion Script

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Editor's Note

This article is a part of our series, The Way of Christ in Life.

In the years post-Dobbs, pro-choice activists have become increasingly hostile in their attempts to label pro-lifers such things as racist, sexist, uncaring, and heartless. While unsurprising, it is disturbing to witness the increased number of Americans who believe such statements. With 13 states in the last three years opposing the pro-life position on abortion-related ballot measures, this image issue is clearly a significant problem. [1] To change the narrative, Christians must lead with Christ’s love in engaging our culture and serving pregnant women, new parents, and families.

1 John 4:19 tells us, “We love because he first loved us,” Our efforts cannot succeed unless we are filled with Christ’s love. Here are three suggestions for how church leaders, believers, and congregations can lead with Christ’s love on this sensitive topic.

Billy Graham once remarked that, “How you treat someone shows whether or not you really care about them.” These words ring especially true in the abortion conversation, as pro-lifers are frequently accused of only valuing the unborn baby until they are born.

Remember Why We Advocate for the Unborn

Above anything else, Christians can only lead with love through remembering why we fight for the preborn. It is not for societal recognition or to perform good works; instead, it is because we worship the God who “created [our] inward parts; you knit [us] together in [our] mother’s womb,” (Psalm 139:13). He is also the redeemer who “formed you from the womb” (Isaiah 44:24a).

We oppose abortion because God created all human beings, born and not-yet-born, and a person being in the womb does not negate their God-given right to life, regardless of the popularity of that position. We advocate for those who are too small to have a voice, yet so large in God’s eyes that we cannot help but to stand for them. The road to a pro-life culture and legal realm will be long, hard, and arduous, but should we attempt to fight this battle without centering and leading with Christ’s love, we have already lost.

Partner with a Local Pregnancy Resource Center (PRC)

Billy Graham once remarked that, “How you treat someone shows whether or not you really care about them.” These words ring especially true in the abortion conversation, as pro-lifers are frequently accused of only valuing the unborn baby until he or she is born. PRCs help disprove this argument, as their primary focus is on saving lives and helping pregnant women, parents, and families. In 2022, PRCs across America provided over $367 million worth of free services, such as: ultrasounds, parenting and prenatal classes, packs wipes, packs of diapers, and baby outfits. [2]

As strong-life protections saving lives across America PRCs are facing an increased need post-Dobbs. If they are not doing so already, churches or individuals can financially partner with their local PRC to meet this need. Additionally, PRCs accept donations of diapers, baby wipes, and lightly used baby clothes or items. An easy way to get involved is to host a donation drive with your church to gather these items for a local PRC.  Finally, CareNet has a prayer network that you or your church can join to keep PRCs and the people that they serve in your prayers. [3]

Build a Culture of Life at Your Church

Local churches are the backbone of Christian cultural engagement, especially on issues like abortion. Creating a culture where people understand the moral evils of abortion and our obligation to serve the people at the center of the abortion discussion is key to demonstrating and leading with Christ’s love. Keeping in mind that “all Scripture is inspired by God and… profitable for teaching,” (2 Timothy 3:16a) launching a sermon series or Sunday School class on the sanctity of life not only encourages and strengthens pro-life congregants but also challenges members who might be indifferent or even pro-choice. The Ethics and Religious Liberties Commission (ERLC) has numerous research materials and resources available to assist both church leadership and regular members in creating a culture of life in their church. [4]

Finally, be bold not only in your belief but also in your actions. As James 2:17 reminds us, “Faith, if it does not have works, is dead.” Our pro-life mindset should guide us to fulfill Christ’s promise found in Matthew 25:40, that, “Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” Even though local church bodies may lack the resources to meet every need for pregnant women, new parents, and families, starting an outreach ministry to meet one or two needs can display the culture of life in your church. Food pantries, diaper banks, or lactation and parenting classes are all possible ideas. A previous church that I attended even hosted a weekly clinic in the church basement as our ministry for our community.

I would like to close by sharing these two verses: Firstly, we are reminded in Galatians 6:9, “Let us not get tired of doing good, for we will reap at the proper time if we don’t give up.” This does not promise us eventual success or that we will earn physical rewards for advocating for the unborn; instead, it guarantees what Matthew Henry called the “recompense of reward in reserve for all who sincerely employ themselves in well doing… if not in this world, yet undoubtedly in the next.” Finally, let us always remember the command given in Proverbs 31:8 to “speak up for those who have no voice, for the justice of all who are dispossessed.” If we fail to advocate for and speak up on behalf of the unborn, who will? And, even if we speak up on their behalf and “do not have love, [we] gain nothing.”

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