Summer Reading List

Questioning Long-Held Assumptions: Keelan Cook’s Summer Reading Recommendation

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This summer, we want to help you craft the perfect Summer Reading List. We asked Southeastern Seminary professors what books they would recommend, and we’ll share their recommendations in coming weeks.

Today, Professor Keelan Cook recommends a book for your summer reading list.

Payne is doing something different here.

Apostolic Imagination: Recovering a Biblical Vision for the Church’s Mission Today
by J. D. Payne (Baker, 2022)

I’ve got a couple of reasons I’m particularly interested in this book. First, I get asked by local church leaders all the time for really good resources on developing a Great Commission culture within their church, and this book falls squarely into that category. Second, books about missions come out all the time, but they are very often weighted toward the methodology end of the spectrum. Missions books tend to answer the how question, and Payne is doing something different here by taking the conversation back to its roots and questioning some long-held assumptions concerning the mission of the church. I’m curious to see how well he accomplishes that goal, and I’m optimistic that by doing so he has created an important resource for the church.

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  • Summer Reading List
Keelan Cook

Keelan Cook is an Instructor of Missiology and George Liele Director of the Center for Great Commission Studies at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary.

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