Praise God that he is not far off from his creation. While the gods of many false religions are ones of mystery, confusion, or even contradiction, our God desires to be known by his creation, us, and he has given us the tools to do so.
Throughout the narrative of Scripture, God tells his grand story of creation, fall, redemption, and restoration. In this story, God is also revealing his character. In his acts of mercy (Exodus 33:19) we see his kindness. In his judgment (Genesis 19:23) we see his perfect righteousness. And in him sending his Son to atone for our sins (John 5:36) we see his great love for us.
God also wants to be known by his creation, so much that he came down to earth to walk alongside us as fully God and fully man. God’s plan for redemption enables us to understand him in a deeper and personal way than ever before. His plan involved the eternal Son of God, walking alongside man, and sharing the truth about himself in the most personal way possible.
When Christians come to know God, that first step of salvation (a turning from sin and towards Christ) is rooted in an understanding of Christ’s atoning work. In this moment, man reflects God’s character in the acutest sense, as he comes to delight in knowledge as the Lord does. Thus, as believers grow in their understanding of God, they further reflect him, as truth is his nature (Isaiah 65:16) and is something he delights in (Psalm 51:6).
In other words, God has made himself known to his creation, and he invites us to know him.
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