
Book Summary: ‘Engaging God’s World: A Christian Vision of Faith, Learning, and Living’ by Cornelius Plantinga Jr.

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This article is a part of our series, The Way of Christ in Culture.

Engaging God’s World: A Christian Vision of Faith, Learning, and Living
by: Cornelius Plantinga Jr. (Eerdmans, 2002)

Cornelius Plantinga Jr. wrote Engaging God’s World to help his students at Calvin College understand how the Christian faith should impact every aspect of their lives. He begins by laying out his plan, to walk through Creation, Fall, and Redemption to show how the Christian faith is for all areas of life. He begins by showing how the longing in the hearts of all people shows that we can only be truly satisfied by God.

In the beginning, God created through the Son. So, we can look to creation to tell us how God created. When we look to Scripture, we see that God loves his creation. We see that God made man and woman in his image to steward all of creation. They image God through this stewardship and living in community with others. God created a good world, and we can see the goodness of God when we look at creation through the lens of Scripture.

God is redeeming all things. Christians are not just bystanders, but active participants in this mission.

When sin entered the world, it distorted people’s hearts and everything in it. Not one aspect of life escapes the effects of sin. Sin impacts our ability to trust and be trustworthy, affecting our relationships with people. Creation is good, but the world is full of sin and the damage done by sin around us. We see this all around us and know that the world is broken, and we long for creation to be restored.

But as soon as sin entered, God promised he would provide a way out. The story of the Old Testament is the story that leads to Jesus. Jesus, in his incarnation, death, and resurrection, provides the sacrifice we need to wash away our sin. Christians identify with this death and resurrection in faith and baptism. Then Christians grow in sanctification, guided by the Spirit, to follow all of Scripture. God is redeeming the world through Christ.

God is not only after the souls of men, but their bodies as well (96). He wants to reform the way they live and interact with the world. Where there is wrong, God wants to make it right. Where systems are unjust, he wants them to be corrected. God is redeeming all things. Christians are not just bystanders, but active participants in this mission. According to Plantinga, God is about his larger mission of making the world right again and Christians whose souls have been redeemed can be part of this greater mission of God in the world.

So, as Christians, we are to be first about the Kingdom of God. For Plantinga, this means volunteering, working, and serving in various capacities. To do your work well and reform your vocation is to be about the kingdom of God. His call for students, then, is to be well-prepared for a well-rounded life rooted in Christ. Participate in your church. Honor the government and other God-given institutions. Christian education is cultivating a life that brings shalom.

Plantinga presents a robust version of this Reformed view of participating in the kingdom. His large view of the kingdom of God and the Christian’s participation in it allows the reader to see their engagement with all of life and God’s world as redemptive work. In this tradition descended from the magisterial reformers, he casts a vision for the way of life for the Christian post-Christendom.

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Megan Dickerson

Megan Dickerson holds an MA in Biblical Counseling from SBTS and is a current PhD student at SEBTS along with her husband Drew. Megan and Drew live in Wake Forest with their 4 children.

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