1. Start slow, then build.
According to Whitney, “there are three elements to family worship: read the Bible, pray, and sing.” In our family, we technically do all three things, but we didn’t start them all at the same time and we’ve practiced them to varying levels of consistency. If starting a habit of family worship with your kids seems daunting, choose one practice to start with and build on the rest later. James Clear calls this “habit stacking.”
We began singing the Doxology to our kids as part of their bedtime routine when they were newborns, but our family worship time truly began when we started using Advent Blocks during that Christmas of 2020. From there, we began regularly, though not always consistently, reading the Jesus Storybook Bible with our daughter, and continued with both kids after our son was born. However, as we, ourselves, began to be formed by the practice, we became more committed to daily reading Bible stories with our kids.
From there, we began adding prayer and worship to our regimen. This has been a relatively recent development, so we’re still figuring out how it all fits together. But let this be an encouragement to build a solid foundation with one or two practices and figure things out as you go.
2. It’s never too early to start.
In Family Worship, Whitney writes, “The worthiness of God to receive your family’s worship each day is reason enough to start practicing family worship today.” Note that family worship is not a replacement for involvement in the local church, but it’s also not enough to attend church with your family once or twice a week without reinforcing those practices at home. Church membership and family worship go hand-in-hand. So, whether your kids are babies or teenagers, it’s never too early to start.
There are challenges in every season with kids, but as Justin Whitmel Earley says in his book, Habits of the Household, “the most significant thing about any household is what is considered normal. Why is this so important? Because the normal is what shapes us the most, though we notice it the least.”
Normalcy occurs in the rhythms of daily life, whether we’re conscious of it or not. The good news is that we have some measure of control over what’s considered “normal” in our family rhythms and we can change it when necessary. That means that, regardless of the level of pushback from your kids or the awkwardness of starting family worship, consistency will eventually turn it into a normal part of your daily life.
Family worship has not always been sunshine and butterflies for us. Our kids were so young when we started, that between the squirming, running away, wailing, and interrupting, reading our Bible story sometimes felt like the worst part of the day! Now, though, it’s a really sweet time of reading the story and talking about it with them. We’ve read through the same book so many times that they recognize and get excited about their favorite stories. Seasons of family worship will ebb and flow with challenges and joys, but again, consistency is key—not ease.
3. Consider starting this summer.
Looking back on when we first started implementing spiritual disciplines and family worship, I’m thankful for the timing. While there were many difficult things about the pandemic, the slower pace of that year created space for us to start teaching our kids spiritual disciplines almost from birth. When life got busier, we had already established a strong routine of reading Bible stories with our kids, one that has withstood every activity, party, dinner, vacation, etc, that we’ve added to the calendar.
As summer break commences, it’s a great time to start teaching your kids spiritual disciplines or create a family worship routine. Families may be more open to a new routine simply because of the shift in seasons. Not only that, but summer lends itself to a slower pace, with many sports, church activities, school, and other extracurricular activities pressing pause until the fall. Kids often stay up later and schedules are generally more flexible.
You might even start by reading Family Worship. It’s a short, but convicting read, that can help you consider the impetus for starting a family worship time.
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